Ultra Deep House Drum Kit
'Ultra Deep House Drum Kit' is Zenhiser's latest creation to arm all house and deep house producers. Over 315 killer new deep house drum sounds ready to drop into your sampler. Raw to the bone 'Ultra Deep House Drum Kit' is an exhaustive collection of deep house kicks, hats, snares, claps, percussion and deep house drum fx in one digital box.
This deep and luxurious drum hit library offers deep house, tech house and minimal tech producers a new sample library to breathe new life into their deep house music productions.
Designed exclusively for Zenhiser 'Ultra Deep House Drum Kit' adds to our ever growing collection of drum hit sample packs and drum kit sample packs.
Files - Audio: 316
Type - Audio: 24-Bit 44.1-Khz
Info - Key: No
Info - Bpm: No
Zip Size: 76 MB