Complextro Electro Drummer


Zenhiser proudly presents the latest addition to our drum sound arsenal 'Complextro Electro Drummer'. 369 pulverising drum sounds, fx & drum fills to drive even the most comprehensive tracks. Designed and built to rock the biggest of club rooms Complextro Electro Drummer delivers the essentials tools to create floor pounding beats and chunky rhythms. With 9 sections including kick, snares, claps, fx and drum fills you'll never be short of killer drum sounds again, this is a monster drum pack!

As with all Zenhiser samples, the time and quality in these epic drum sounds is second to none, they are delivered in 24 bit wav goodness and folder'd for ease of use. Inspired by the biggest sounds of current dance floor trends Complextro Electro Drummer can craft big room beats in minutes with clarity never heard before. 

Complextro Electro Drummer specs:

Claps - 32
Crashes - 14
Drum Fills - 46
Drum FX - 25
Hi Hats - 59
Kicks - 64
Percussion - 62
Rides - 31
Snares - 36

So what are you waiting for, play the preview, listen to the drums rock the preview and buy, it's that simple!

Claps - 32
Crashes - 14
Drum Fills - 46
Drum FX - 25
Hi Hats - 59
Kicks - 64
Percussion - 62
Rides - 31
Snares - 36

Files - Audio - 369
Type - Audio - 24-Bit 44.1-Khz
Info - Key: No
Info - Bpm: No
Zip Size: 78 MB

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